The Meaning Of The Name JEAN-BAPTISTE |
Meaning: | French Form Of John The Baptist, God Is Gracious (John), Submerge (Baptiste) |
Gender: | Male |
Origin: | French |
Root: | Combination of Jean, the French form of JOHN, which comes from the Hebrew name YOCHANAN, meaning “God is gracious”, and BAPTISTE, derived from the Greek word baptistes, meaning “to dip or submerge”, referencing John the Baptist. |
Syllables: | 3 |
Pronunciation: Commonly pronounced as “zhahn-bap-TEEST”.
Popularity: Moderately popular in French-speaking regions.
Associated Color: Blue
Historical Figures:
Famous People:
Fictional Characters:
Nicknames and Diminutives: JB, Baptiste
Variations and Alternates: Giovan-Battista (Italian), Juan Bautista (Spanish), John the Baptist (English equivalence in biblical contexts).